As computer technology advances rapidly, the business landscape also shifts correspondingly. To illustrate, now that cloud-based resources have become more readily available, organizations are able to manage their online operations more efficiently.
But while companies gain many advantages by moving some or all of their IT infrastructure online, they also become vulnerable to various cyberthreats that could harm their operations. Cybercriminals introduce new hacking techniques every day and incessantly scour programs and systems for viable vulnerabilities. This is why IT security audits have become an important part of cybersecurity protocols.
What Is An IT Security Audit?
This is a company-wide assessment of your organization’s IT security measures. It reveals flaws in your software, hardware, and network systems — and it shows how much these flaws are making your company vulnerable to data breaches. It also entails penetration testing to see how effectively your IT defenses work against potential cyberthreats, such as ransomclouds. The audit’s findings will aid you in improving your security protocols and help you comply more closely with relevant data regulations.
Types Of IT Security Audits
Audits can be performed in two ways, namely:
Internal Audit
An internal IT audit is an assessment an organization does itself to check if its cybersecurity systems and policies meet its own standards.
External Audit
An external audit is an unbiased third-party assessment of a firm’s cybersecurity systems and protocols. External audits are often conducted to make sure that the organization is complying with government regulations and industry standards.
Why Is It Important For Your Organization To Undergo An IT Security Audit?
An IT security audit reveals where your company is doing well in terms of protecting data and also pinpoints your firm’s most pressing cybersecurity flaws. The audit helps you lay out a roadmap for data breach prevention and mitigation strategies in case your cyber defenses do fail. If your organization deals with sensitive data, then performing IT security audits is absolutely essential for continued operations.
What Does An Average IT Security Audit Entail?
An IT security audit checks an organization’s systems for weaknesses in the following areas:
Network Vulnerabilities
Cybercriminals access valuable company information or damage an entire system by exploiting vulnerabilities in network components. Therefore, auditors look for unsecured access points, malicious emails, suspicious network activity, and the like.
Cybersecurity Controls
In this stage of the assessment, auditors will look into an organization’s security controls to determine how well they work. This includes examining whether the firm has implemented up-to-date policies and procedures to secure its data and infrastructure effectively. An auditor will also examine an organization’s current security policy on data breaches to see if the required precautions are in place and if everyone is following them closely.
Data Encryption
This checks if your company has systems that efficiently manage data encryption. The purpose of this is to make sure that company data remains private and secure while it is stored on site, in the cloud, on portable machines, or while it is being transferred.
For IT security audits and other cybersecurity audits, check out managed IT services Orange County.